Viareggio link

We look forward to welcoming Franco back to Horsham to celebrate the installation of our own Shelley Memorial in what we hope will be the not too distant future.

The selection process for the artist who will produce the memorial artwork has been subject to a pause due to the local elections, but we hope we will back on track with our plans shortly.

Carol Hayton

Franco Domenici brought the wonderful Italian sunshine with him when he arrived in Horsham this week.

Franco, an absolute Shelley enthusiast, took time out from his trip to London, where he and his wife were visiting their daughter and her partner, to meet with members of the Shelley Memorial Project committee. We were able to update Franco and his family on progress with our plans for a permanent Shelley Memorial, and show them around a few key points of interest connected with the great poet.

The tour included a visit to the Horsham Museum's Shelley Gallery. Whilst there, Nikki Caxton, the curator of the museum, was kind enough to show us some of the items in the museums archive and Franco presented Nikki with a few items from his home town of Viareggio, including pictures of the Shelley Memorial that stands in one of the town's squares and a reproduction of the newsletter that that was produced in the town at the time of the Shelley centenary celebrations.


Rise Like Lions


Finding Shelley